Medical Mission TRIP Opportunities
Currently Scheduled MEDICAL mission Trips
Caring Partners' medical mission trips fill up very quickly. If you are interested in a specific trip, please contact our office at to see if team member space is available and to inquire about trip cost, payment schedule, etc. Once your application and deposit have been received, you will receive notice if your application is approved.
if a trip is marked “full”, please do not complete an application unless you have been APPROVED to do so by A Team Leader.
Guatemala (Milpas Altas) (CEDARVILLE) - February 28th - March 6th - Team Leaders Dr. Adam & Rhonda Reed
Guatemala (Fraijanes) - April 29th - May 5th - Team Leaders: Rick & Jenny Lalli
Guatemala (Pacaya) (CEDARVILLE) - May 9th - 15th - Team Leaders: Dr. Adam & Rhonda Reed
Guatemala OB Surgical - October 9th - 15th - Team Leaders: Rick & Jenny Lalli - Limited space available. Please do not complete an application unless you have been approved to do so by the team leader. (Please contact Rick Lalli at 937-743-2744 with any questions.)
Thailand - October 29th - November 7th - Team Leaders: Kelly Weeks & Annalynn Yerkey - Limited space available. Please do not complete an application unless you have been approved to do so by the team leader. (Please contact Rhonda Reed at 937-743-2744 with any questions.)
Guatemala (TBD) - November 6th - 12th - Team Leaders: Dr. Adam & Rhonda Reed - Limited space available. Please do not complete an application unless you have been approved to do so by the team leader. (Please contact Rhonda Reed at 937-743-2744 with any questions.)
Anyone under the age of 18 traveling with a Caring Partners International mission team MUST have a Parental Consent Form in their possession to leave the country unless accompanied by BOTH parents. Minors under 18 years of age must travel with the consent of BOTH parents. If the minor is traveling with only one parent, that parent must hold an original notarized letter of consent from the absent legal parent or legal guardian or a copy of the legal document giving that parent sole custody. Failure to comply may result in denied boarding.
Please click on the button below to complete the Parental Consent Form. Upon completion, print, sign, have notarized, and return to Caring Partners by either taking a picture and emailing it to or mailing to 601 Shotwell Drive, Franklin, OH 45005.
“...Jesus said...into whatever city you enter...heal the sick that are there, and say unto them, the Kingdom of God is come near unto you.” ~ Luke 10